
CricRNA FISH Service

CricRNA Analysis

Circular RNA (circRNA) is a closed long non-coding RNA in which the 5'and 3'ends are covalently connected by reverse splicing of exons from a single pre-mRNA, where the 5'end of the upstream exon of pre-mRNA is connected to The 3'end of the downstream exon is non-collinearly spliced. Generally, most genes with circular transcripts produce one or two circRNAs, and only a few genes produce more than two circRNAs. According to the overlapping sequence of circRNA and parent genes, circRNA can be divided into exon circRNAs (ecircRNAs), exon-intron circRNAs (EIcircRNAs), circular intron RNAs (ciRNAs), stable intron sequence RNAs ( sisRNAs) and tRNA intron circular RNAs (tricRNAs). circRNA mainly exists in the cytoplasm. Compared with linear homologs, the lack of 5'cap and 3'tail caused by the circular structure makes the circular molecule more resistant to RNase degradation. It has been reported that circRNA shows cell type- or tissue-specific expression patterns and is widely expressed in mammalian cells. Most of the evidence for the function and biological importance of circRNA is still under investigation. For any new RNA species discovered, its subcellular location is always one of the important positioning concerns. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) combined with high-resolution microscopy is an effective method for analyzing RNA subcellular localization.

Back-splicing and canonical splicing of a single pre-mRNA. (Yu C Y, et al. 2019)Fig 1. Back-splicing and canonical splicing of a single pre-mRNA. (Yu C Y, et al. 2019)

Featured CircRNA FISH Services

The combined application of fluorescent dye-coupled probes and fluorescence microscopy makes the positioning of circRNA relatively easy. For example, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) allows the visualization of different types of RNA in cells. Our circRNA analysis and testing service provide comprehensive in situ detection based on FISH probes. The service provides testing of live and fixed cell samples. Our FISH service is mainly for the samples of biological specimens, and tailor-made suitable solutions for customers through the general smFISH solution. At the same time, we also provide a circRNA Immuno-FISH analysis service. For the research project of circRNA and its related proteins, the simultaneous detection of target RNA and protein can be achieved. Our FISH service uses advanced locked nucleic acid probes, which is a fully customized service that can design probes according to customer needs. You can also upload your sequence. In addition, we also provide some circRNA imaging services for living cells. These services are completed using new RNA aptamer technology and molecular beacons. For specific service details, please email our experts.

Related Services

We provide the following characteristic circRNA imaging services, which are aimed at different types of biological samples. The specific service process includes experimental protocol customization, submission of basic information about the relevant target, probe customization, sample submission, pre-hybridization and hybridization, imaging and data services. Through this service, you will benefit from quickly obtaining the circRNA information you want, because it can provide information about the subcellular localization and differential expression of circRNA.

circRNA ImagingTechnologyTarget
Fixed-Cellsingle-molecule FISH (smFISH)circRNA
Immuno-FISHcircRNA / circRNA-associated Protein
Live-CellFluorescent RNA AptamerscircRNA
Molecular BeaconscircRNA

General simple flow chart of circRNA-FISH service. - Creative BioarrayFig 2. General simple flow chart of circRNA-FISH service.

Creative Bioarray provides a comprehensive circRNA-FISH analysis service, accompanied by a combination of many advanced fluorescent conjugate probes and technologies. This service provides a full set of services from scheme design to analysis of data results. You can choose to cooperate with our laboratory team to generate solutions suitable for your research, helping you save costs and improve efficiency. You will benefit from our technical expertise and one-stop service. If you are interested in our diversified circRNA-FISH services, please contact us for cooperation. We look forward to cooperating with you in the near future.


  1. Yu C Y, Kuo H C. The emerging roles and functions of circular RNAs and their generation[J]. Journal of biomedical science, 2019, 26(1): 1-12.
  2. Bejugam P R, Das A, Panda A C. Seeing is believing: visualizing circular RNAs[J]. Non-coding RNA, 2020, 6(4): 45.
  3. Zirkel A, Papantonis A. Detecting circular RNAs by RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization[M]//Circular RNAs. Humana Press, New York, NY, 2018: 69-75.
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