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HSPB1-PLAT Gene Fusion FISH Probe

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Catalog: GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175
Classification: Gene Fusion FISH Probes
Description: The HSPB1-PLAT Gene Fusion FISH Probecan detect the fusion of HSPB1 and PLAT genes. Our product usually consists of a combination of reagents, which consists of a probe with a selected dye color and a hybridization reagent. We offer a variety of dye color combinations for FISH probes for gene fusions. This product has been verified in both interphase nuclei and metaphase spreads of normal peripheral blood. This is key quality control, you can trust our quality.
Category: Gene Fusion FISH Probes
Application: HSPB1-PLAT Gene Fusion FISH Probe can be used for chromosomal diagnosis to determine gene fusion phenomena associated with diseases such as cancer. You can confirm this in "Associated Diseases" in the product information. This product has been verified in both interphase nuclei and metaphase spreads ​of normal peripheral blood. This is key quality control, you can trust our quality.
Probe Kits Volume (µL): 40 μL
Quantity: 20 Tests
Hybridization Solution (µL): 200 μL
Turnaround Time: 7-10 Business Days
Shipping Time: 1-2 Day Expedited Shipping
Storage Conditions: Store at -20℃ and avoid light;
Shipping Conditions: -20℃

Gene Details

Gene Name 1 Heat Shock Protein Family B (small) Member 1
Gene Summary 1 This gene encodes a member of the small heat shock protein (HSP20) family of proteins. In response to environmental stress, the encoded protein translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and functions as a molecular chaperone that promotes the correct folding of other proteins. This protein plays an important role in the differentiation of a wide variety of cell types. Expression of this gene is correlated with poor clinical outcome in multiple human cancers, and the encoded protein may promote cancer cell proliferation and metastasis, while protecting cancer cells from apoptosis. Mutations in this gene have been identified in human patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and distal hereditary motor neuropathy. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2017]
Chromosome 1 Chromosome 7
Locus 1 7q11.23
Coordinates 1 This gene maps to 75931874-75933614 in GRCh37 coordinates.
Gene Name 2 Plasminogen Activator, Tissue Type
Gene Summary 2 This gene encodes tissue-type plasminogen activator, a secreted serine protease that converts the proenzyme plasminogen to plasmin, a fibrinolytic enzyme. The encoded preproprotein is proteolytically processed by plasmin or trypsin to generate heavy and light chains. These chains associate via disulfide linkages to form the heterodimeric enzyme. This enzyme plays a role in cell migration and tissue remodeling. Increased enzymatic activity causes hyperfibrinolysis, which manifests as excessive bleeding, while decreased activity leads to hypofibrinolysis, which can result in thrombosis or embolism. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants, at least one of which encodes an isoform that is proteolytically processed. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2016]
Chromosome 2 Chromosome8
Locus 2 8p11.21
Coordinates 2 This gene maps to 42032235-42065194 in GRCh37 coordinates.
Associated Diseases Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma And Endocervical Adenocarcinoma
Species Human

Order Sheet

Number Dye Color Order Name Absorbance Maximum Emission Maximum Add to Cart
1 RE; RE GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-RERE 599nm;599nm 580nm;580nm
2 RE; OR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-REOR 599nm;573nm 580nm;548nm
3 RE; GO GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-REGO 599nm;551nm 580nm;525nm
4 RE; GR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-REGR 599nm;515nm 580nm;491nm
5 RE; AQ GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-REAQ 599nm;467nm 580nm;418nm
6 OR; RE GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-ORRE 573nm;599nm 548nm;580nm
7 OR; OR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-OROR 573nm;573nm 548nm;548nm
8 OR; GO GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-ORGO 573nm;551nm 548nm;525nm
9 OR; GR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-ORGR 573nm;515nm 548nm;491nm
10 OR; AQ GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-ORAQ 573nm;467nm 548nm;418nm
11 GO; RE GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GORE 551nm;599nm 525nm;580nm
12 GO; OR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GOOR 551nm;573nm 525nm;548nm
13 GO; GO GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GOGO 551nm;551nm 525nm;525nm
14 GO; GR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GOGR 551nm;515nm 525nm;491nm
15 GO; AQ GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GOAQ 551nm;467nm 525nm;418nm
16 GR; RE GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GRRE 515nm;599nm 491nm;580nm
17 GR; OR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GROR 515nm;573nm 491nm;548nm
18 GR; GO GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GRGO 515nm;551nm 491nm;525nm
19 GR; GR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GRGR 515nm;515nm 491nm;491nm
20 GR; AQ GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-GRAQ 515nm;467nm 491nm;418nm
21 AQ; RE GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-AQRE 467nm;599nm 418nm;580nm
22 AQ; OR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-AQOR 467nm;573nm 418nm;548nm
23 AQ; GO GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-AQGO 467nm;551nm 418nm;525nm
24 AQ; GR GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-AQGR 467nm;515nm 418nm;491nm
25 AQ; AQ GFFP-HSPB1/PLAT-14175-AQAQ 467nm;467nm 418nm;418nm

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